Rocky Linux and Apptainer Receive HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards

Rocky Linux and Apptainer Receive HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards
November 15, 2022

Rocky Linux and Apptainer Receive Coveted HPC**wire** Readers’ Choice Awards 

We are thrilled to announce that Rocky Linux and Apptainer have been recognized as recipients of the HPC_wire_ Readers’ Choice Awards, which were unveiled this week at the 2022 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22), in Dallas, Texas. Each year, the HPC_wire_ Readers’ Choice Award winners are determined by the HPC reader community. These awards recognize the most outstanding individuals, organizations, products, and technologies in the industry. Specifically, Rocky Linux and Apptainer have been selected to receive the following awards:

Readers' Choice: Top 5 New Products or Technologies to Watch - Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux has received the HPC_wire_ Readers’ Choice award in the “Top 5 New Products or Technologies to Watch” category. Rocky Linux is an open source enterprise Linux operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux®. As the trusted successor of CentOS, Rocky Linux has achieved broad adoption in High Performance Computing (HPC) and general enterprise use cases. The project is hosted by the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF). 

Readers’ Choice: Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence - Apptainer

Apptainer received the HPC_wire_ Readers’ Choice award for the “Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence.” Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign introduced a novel set of FAIR principles utilizing Apptainer. Apptainer (formerly Singularity) is the free, open source, secure, and most widely used container system for High Performance Computing (HPC). It is professionally supported by CIQ.

We’re thrilled that Rocky Linux and Apptainer were recognized in these categories! Congratulations to everyone in the Rocky Linux and Apptainer communities who have worked so hard on these groundbreaking technologies.

For more information on these awards, check out the HPC_wire_ website or on Twitter via the #HPCwireAwards hashtag.

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