Enterprise Infrastructure Stability with CIQ Rocky Linux LTS

Enterprise Infrastructure Stability with CIQ Rocky Linux LTS

Challenge and Opportunity

One of the largest credit card providers faced significant challenges with the infrastructure underpinning their expansive data center operations, which includes over 20,000 systems worldwide. The primary objective was to migrate from CentOS to a more cost-effective and community-supported platform without compromising the security, stability, and performance required for their mission-critical applications. Their needs extended beyond mere technical requirements; they sought a partnership that aligned with their values of innovation, community involvement, and exceptional customer experience.

CIQ's Role and Impact

CIQ played a crucial role in the credit card provider’s strategic transition by providing comprehensive support for Rocky Linux and CentOS, which included migration assistance, global support, and system certification. Additionally, they invested in CentOS 7 end of life support and continued Long-Term Support (LTS) for Rocky Linux, ensuring extended security and compatibility for their systems. CIQ helped certify Rocky Linux for their key technologies, including MySQL and Marantis, ensuring compatibility and performance. The involvement with CIQ reached high levels, working directly with senior vice-presidential personnel, reflecting the strategic importance of the partnership. This close collaboration was underscored by a shared commitment to open source and fostering a strong community around these technologies.


The comprehensive support structure set up by CIQ has transformed the card provider’s IT infrastructure, aligning it more closely with their strategic goals of reducing costs, enhancing security, and maintaining high levels of system performance for their most critical applications. They now run their major databases and key applications underneath Kubernetes on Rocky Linux, benefiting from the stability and security enhancements that CIQ provides. This move has not only optimized the card provider’s operational efficiencies but also reinforced their commitment to open source and community engagement, setting a new standard for enterprise IT in the financial services industry. The partnership with CIQ ensures that they remain at the forefront of technological innovation, with their production workloads supported by a platform that matches their global scale and dedication to customer experience.