Fuzzball: Latest Updates and Workflows

Join us as we walk you through the latest updates and features of our latest product, Fuzzball. To demonstrate the capabilities of Fuzzball, CIQ has created containers and tested the execution of several popular, well-known open source applications. Take advantage of this informative demo and discussion.
Applications Tested
OpenFOAM - We have a complete end-to-end pipeline of the simulation and visualization of the results using the well-known motorbike sample workload. Uses ParaView for visualization.
OpenRadioss - To help build the community, we have also run full end-to-end simulations and visualizations of OpenRadioss workloads using Fuzzball. Uses ParaView for visualization.
Tensorflow and Pytorch - Built and executed workloads using these machine learning frameworks. Shows that Fuzzball is capable of combining workloads across the HPC/AI space. Previous webinar: https://bit.ly/3NHLRqi
Quantum Espresso, GROMACS, LAMMPS - Popular and widely used codes in research computing. Previous webinars: https://bit.ly/3NlQwNf https://bit.ly/3NHLRqi