Documentation and Resources

Fast access to Rocky Linux, Apptainer, and Warewulf documentation, downloads, forums, and resources.

Documentation and Resources for Rocky Linux, Ascender, Apptainer, and Warewulf

Need quick access to open source documentation and other resources for Rocky Linux, Ascender, Apptainer (formerly Singularity), or Warewulf? Community-driven open source projects have a wealth of resources available to help you get started.

Full Lifecycle Support from CIQ

Migration Services

Whether you're coming from RHEL, CentOS, or another Enterprise Linux distribution, switching to Rocky Linux is a straight forward process, with CIQ experts standing by to assist you at any point along the way.


CIQ offers enterprise and escalation support for Rocky Linux, empowering users to adopt the fastest-growing Enterprise Linux with the assurance of top-tier expertise backing them every step of the way.

Long-Term Support

The Rocky Linux community only supports each minor release of Rocky Linux until the next minor release is published. CIQ LTS for Rocky Linux provides extended security and bugfix support for specific minor releases (like 8.6), allowing for greater stability in mission-critical deployments.